Companion Care

Companion Care

Creating trusting and genuine connections with elderly individuals through companion care services.

SCHEDULE NOW | CALL US: (410) 480-7099

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Specialized In-Home Care: Building Connections and Providing Safety

At Stay at Home, we understand the significance of companionship and its impact on the well-being of seniors. Our in-home companion care for seniors goes beyond simply filling hours — we focus on filling our seniors’ lives with warmth, understanding, and meaningful engagement. We create an environment of safety, security, and deep compassion, fostering genuine emotional and social connections. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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Committed To Patient-Centered Care

We recognize that every individual's journey is unique and filled with personal stories, passions, and dreams. Our team of registered nurses will come to your loved one’s assisted living facility, hospital, or home. Our companion care for seniors is centered around celebrating individual narratives. Our specialized care services are tailored to resonate with their preferences, turning caregiving into a heartfelt experience where we become listeners, friends, and partners in their daily journey.

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More than Just Care

At Stay at Home, we go beyond just providing at-home care. We believe in building meaningful relationships with our clients and becoming trusted companions and friends. Our caregivers engage in heartfelt conversations, participate in enjoyable activities, and offer emotional support, creating a nurturing environment that promotes social connection and a sense of belonging. Our visits will include:

  • Assist to plan, prepare, and serve meals

  • Shop for food

  • Light housekeeping, such as dusting, sweeping, and making beds; washing and ironing clothes

  • Social and business services for elderly, disabled, recovering from illness; read, talk, and play cards or other games

  • Social events, such as dinners and parties

  • Plan trips and outings as well as travel with the client and their family

  • Handle business affairs, which include writing letters, paying bills, and going to the bank

  • Oversee exercise program as prescribed by a health professional

  • Live-in services as required

  • Conversation

  • Medication reminders

Choose Stay At Home for Specialized Nursing & Companion Care

When you choose Stay at Home for companion care for seniors in Maryland, you are choosing a team dedicated to improving the quality of life for seniors. Our caregivers are highly trained professionals who understand the specific needs and challenges that seniors may face. We take the time to listen, understand individual preferences, and provide personalized care plans that cater to each client's unique personality and interests. Contact us today!

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